Doulat Meah

How to Increase Blog Traffic For Beginners? ~ Increasing blog traffic or visitors to the blog for beginners (like me) is not exactly easy. Many bloggers who complained his blog traffic is still very low when he has done On page Optimization and Optimization Off page well. The meeting this time I will share a few things, hopefully can help.


Basic Principles to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Have you ever heard the saying "there is no sugar ants". Perhaps this adage in accordance with the principle of a blogger, your mission is the need to provide a "sugar for ants" in cyberspace. Then why look for sugar ants? Because ants need to eat as a source of energy to perform their activities. Without eating they could be in big trouble, so sugar is an urgent need and solutions for their needs.

If you want to know how to increase traffic and visitors? Then the answer is very simple "Provide what could be the solution to the problems of others". Blog means you should be able to resolve the problems being experienced by visitors.

Google's Not The Only Source of Traffic You need to remember, google search engine is not the only existing source of visitors to your blog. Sources of traffic that you can exploit one of which is by using social networking sites, be it twitter, facebook, google+ and much more. If you can take advantage of existing social networking sites, then it is not possible to increase visitors to your blog. For example, you can get visitors to social media twitter. once you use twitter to promote your blog? There is no harm if you nofollow a lot of people and ask politely for a follow back from them? Then post the url of your article on twitter post. Perform post URLs once an hour, you will see the addition of blog traffic from your twitter.

Not to mention the traffic from forums. Try to find forums that discuss similar theme on your blog. You can comment there, while leaving a link to your blog for more information. If you are lucky and it is dofollow forum, then you not only get traffic, but also free backlinks . Read: Factors That Can Increase Blog Visitors.

Qualified Articles Main Factors Increase Blog Visitors Who does not agree with me? quality articles is the key to increase traffic to your blog, but do not forget also to prioritize other Factors To Increase Blog Visitors. Quality articles will usually make people come again and again to read your article again. Also Read: How To Make Quality Standards SEO quality article itself is an article which is capable of providing the required information and to resolve problems experienced by visitors. But do not let your quality article creation is not able to be known by many people because of the use of the appropriate keywords. Should do some preliminary research on the keywords of your quality articles. . . Read: How to Conduct Keyword Research ?

Do Blog walking Can Increase Blog Traffic? Of course, but it should be the first step in blogwalking is Flo many blogs at once. Then you create a database in Ms.Excel, whichever blog crowded. Why is that? Because of a crowded blog you can get a visit back to 5-10 people per post. If deserted her blog, you will only waste your time and quota online.

Read: Tips and How to Conduct Effective Blogwalking So a few tips from How to Increase Blog Traffic For Beginners , hopefully with this article I can help you all to build a blog that has thousands or tens of thousands of visitors every day ....

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